We second that emotion!!
“…much of the messaging on environmental and climate change has taken a negative tone and focused on invoking fear and other negative emotions to promote sustainable behavior. But a history of evidence points to different tactics, such as highlighting one’s feelings of pride or joy as a result of sustainable behavior…”
Green New Deal...in 2021 !?
“…investments in technology and infrastructure that supports alternative energy, and a Green New Deal that dramatically reduces emissions seems entirely practical, even without carbon taxes.” - Paul Krugman
The Bard/NYSERDA/Current Hydro Winter Break Gravitational Vortex Team!
Jan Borchert, Matt Deady, Tim Lynch, Ethan Husted, Eva Grunblatt, Joel Herm
We will be running water through the gravitational vortex hydroelectric model (it’s the acrylic cylinder in front of Matt) with different 3D-printed turbine blades to derive the optimal power output for the Annandale Hydro facility. The full-scale facility is currently in the FERC permitting stage with installation on the Saw Kill slated for the fall of 2019.
Indigenous Wisdom
"The failure of industry to take responsibility for the well-being of the natural world and other human beings, and our complacency and complicity in the destruction that has resulted, are quickly taking away our right to live on this planet."
Sherri Mitchell, “Sacred Instructions”